The News

  • There are many people who have never switched on a computer and are only vaguely aware of the Internet and its uses. Many of these people would like to know more about computers and the internet but lack the resources or may feel that it's too late for them to learn. If that sounds like someone you know, this program was designed to support people such as these.  

  • The Call was made by the Principal of the University of Rwanda College of Education during an induction exercise for new students at Remera Campus. The event was marked by a series of presentations by College Officials to give freshers clues and tips that can easily facilitate them to integrate into Campus life. The exercise is planned to be carried out along the whole semester as opposed to inductions of previous years which were conducted in one week. 

  • As the country’s Commander-in-Chief, it was great to see President Paul Kagame gracing Friday’s graduation ceremony of 8,500 students from the University of Rwanda’s six colleges; this particular group is Rwanda’s largest undeployed army. It urgently needs deployment.I like the fact that Rwandan graduates, unlike their counterparts in the region, don’t throw extravagantly expensive parties to celebrate their graduations.Let’s face it.

  • The University of Rwanda received various energy instruments in framework of SUCCEED Network; an East African Higher Education Network on Sustainable and Energy Efficient Campus Development. The instruments will serve to regulate and audit the efficient use of energy in University Colleges and Campuses.

  • The University of Rwanda-College of Education through its School of Open and Distance Learning (SODL) in collaboration with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) organized an online teaching and learningtraining for University of Rwanda- College of Education lecturers. The training is part of SODL outreach programmetoequip University of Rwanda lecturers with pertinent skills in e-learning in the quest to make education accessible to a wider audience.
